Common Causes of Oklahoma Oilfield Accidents

As one of our country’s largest producers of crude oil, Oklahoma employs thousands of oil and gas workers across the state. Unfortunately, oilfields are one of the most dangerous places that a person can work and it is not uncommon for employees to sustain serious injuries while on the job. It is, however, often possible to recover compensation, either from the employer or a third party after these types of accidents, so if you or a loved one were injured in such an accident, it’s important to work with an attorney who can help you navigate the legal process.
Oilfields are hazardous places to work and there are a lot of ways that employees can sustain serious injuries. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA), however, there are certain types of accidents that tend to occur more often than others. Falls, for instance, are one of the most common worksite injuries on oilfields, as workers are often required to climb well above ground level when operating and maintaining drilling equipment. It’s important to note, however, that not all falls occur from heights. Many, in fact, are categorized as slip and fall accidents, which often occur on oilfields simply because oil products have a tendency to remain slippery, regardless of the kind of surface on which they are located.
Vehicle Accidents
Trucks carrying equipment and materials are a common sight on oilfields, where vehicles and heavy machinery of all kinds are required to transport the tools and materials needed to extract oil and gas. Unfortunately, with so many moving parts, it is not uncommon for oilfield workers to end up involved in vehicle collisions. In fact, according to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, as many as four out of every ten fatal injuries that occur in the oil and gas industry are sustained in vehicle collisions. Injuries sustained in these accidents are often severe, including everything from broken bones and head trauma to organ damage and lacerations.
Struck By/Caught In/Caught-Between
Besides being struck by vehicles, oilfield workers are also at risk of being injured by oilfield equipment itself. Whether drilling equipment, pipes, transport containers, construction machinery, or other materials, this type of heavy equipment poses a real risk to oilfield workers, who could be struck by or caught-between machinery that sometimes weighs many thousands of pounds.
Explosions and Fires
Oilfield employees are required to work with hazardous chemicals and gases, many of which are flammable. This leaves them vulnerable to serious burns caused by explosions and fires. For example, pressure from burning vapors can cause certain types of gases to erupt and cause devastating fires. Unfortunately, these fires are often difficult to put out due to the high volumes of fuel at oilfield sites, meaning that victims are more likely to suffer devastating burns.
Call Our Tulsa Oilfield Accident Lawyers Today
The kinds of injuries sustained by oilfield workers are often severe, leaving accident victims struggling to pay their medical bills and sometimes suffering from permanent disability. Fortunately, injured parties are often entitled to compensation for these losses, so if you or a loved one were injured in an oilfield accident, please call the experienced Tulsa personal injury attorneys at Levinson Law, P.C. for an assessment of your own legal options.