Monthly Archives: October 2024

Jury Awards $30M to Plaintiff in Oilfield Explosion Accident
A Colorado jury recently awarded $30 million to an oilfield worker who was severely injured when a fracking tank exploded four years ago. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff, a married father of two and a U.S. Air Force veteran, was working at the time of the explosion as a well tester for a… Read More »

Safety Measures that Could Keep Motorcyclists Safer on Oklahoma Roads
There are a lot of benefits to riding a motorcycle. They are, for instance, a lot more fuel efficient than most passenger vehicles and are also much easier to park. The biggest downside to riding a motorcycle is that doing so can be dangerous. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration… Read More »

Oklahoma Lawmakers Hope to Cut Down on Road Rage Accidents with Proposed Left Lane Restrictions
Although commonly referred to as the “passing lane”, many Oklahoma motorists don’t differentiate the far left lane from the others. In fact, it’s actually considered a traffic violation in Oklahoma to use this lane unless a driver is actively attempting to pass another vehicle. Few, however, are cited for this violation and usually only… Read More »

Steps to Take After an Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents are almost always more devastating for riders, who are far less protected from impact with other vehicles. As a result, injuries are often severe, leaving riders unsure of how they will cover the cost of their medical bills, lost wages, and other losses. While every accident is different, there are a few… Read More »

Sleep Deprived Truck Drivers Cause Serious Accidents
Truck accidents, like any other type of vehicle collision, can occur for a variety of reasons. Of these causes, however, truck driver error is one of the most common and can often be linked to fatigue or sleep deprivation. While always dangerous to drive fatigued, doing so as a commercial truck driver is particularly… Read More »