Category Archives: Truck Accident

Fatal Truck Accident Rates Peak in the Autumn
Truck accidents can and do happen at any time throughout the year. There are, however, times of the year when these kinds of crashes are more likely to occur. Some recent reports, for instance, have revealed that the autumn months, particularly September through November, see some of the highest rates of truck accidents annually…. Read More »

What Makes Underride Collisions So Deadly
Any type of truck accident tends to have devastating consequences for the occupants of the smaller vehicle, simply because commercial vehicles are so large and heavy. Certain kinds of truck crashes, however, are notorious for being particularly dangerous and often fatal. Underride collisions, which occur when a smaller vehicle slides beneath any portion of… Read More »

Oklahoma Lawmakers Hope to Cut Down on Road Rage Accidents with Proposed Left Lane Restrictions
Although commonly referred to as the “passing lane”, many Oklahoma motorists don’t differentiate the far left lane from the others. In fact, it’s actually considered a traffic violation in Oklahoma to use this lane unless a driver is actively attempting to pass another vehicle. Few, however, are cited for this violation and usually only… Read More »

Sleep Deprived Truck Drivers Cause Serious Accidents
Truck accidents, like any other type of vehicle collision, can occur for a variety of reasons. Of these causes, however, truck driver error is one of the most common and can often be linked to fatigue or sleep deprivation. While always dangerous to drive fatigued, doing so as a commercial truck driver is particularly… Read More »

How Oklahoma’s Oil Industry Increases Trucking Accidents
Oil production is one of the most important industries in Oklahoma, employing thousands of people and playing a critical role in the nationwide economy. This has resulted in the deployment of more and more vehicles to service oil fields, refineries, and other related facilities across the state. Unfortunately, this rise in the number of… Read More »

Oklahoma Box Truck Accidents
When people hear the phrase “truck accident” they often first imagine a semi-truck or big rig. This makes sense, as these kinds of vehicles have become so common on our roadways that collisions have also become a more regular sight. Big rigs are not, however, the only kinds of large trucks on the road… Read More »

Liability for Crashes Caused by Truck Debris
Driving alongside semi-trucks and other large commercial vehicles has become commonplace for many of us. It’s important, however, not to become complacent around these large vehicles, which, due to their weight and size pose a very real risk to other road users. Furthermore, the risk of sharing the road with these vehicles involves more… Read More »

Lowering Your Chances of Being Involved in an Oklahoma Truck Accident
There is simply no way to control other people’s driving habits, which is why it’s impossible to guarantee that a person won’t ever be involved in a truck accident. There are, however, some steps and techniques that drivers can utilize to help significantly reduce their chances of being involved in such a devastating collision…. Read More »

Truck Drivers are Often Responsible for Collisions
Accidents involving trucks, like any other type of vehicle collision can and do occur for a variety of reasons. Most, however, can be linked to some sort of negligence, like truck driver error. Whatever the cause, these kinds of crashes are almost always serious, as commercial vehicles vastly outweigh passenger vehicles. Fortunately, accident victims… Read More »

Truck Accidents Can Cause Traumatic Injuries
Commercial vehicles vastly outweigh passenger cars, which is why collisions between these two types of vehicles tend to be so destructive. Unfortunately, the worst injuries are usually sustained by the occupants of the smaller vehicle, who are far less protected and so more prone to injuries caused by blunt force impact. These kinds of… Read More »