Keep an Eye Out for Signs of a Head Injury After Your Oklahoma Motorcycle Crash

Most motorcycle riders are aware of the risks that come with their choice of vehicle and take the necessary precautions to avoid an accident. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a rider won’t end up hurt in a crash because of someone else’s negligence. The consequences of such a crash are often severe for the rider, who is much more vulnerable to serious injuries, like head trauma.
Not All Head Injuries are Obvious
Many people think that certain injuries, like head trauma, will be readily apparent to those who sustain them. While this is often true, especially if there is swelling, bruising, bleeding, a lot of pain, or unconsciousness, it is also not uncommon for victims to be initially unaware that they sustained a head injury, especially if they are also suffering from other more obvious injuries (which is common in motorcycle accidents). The adrenaline that so often accompanies collisions is also known for masking symptoms, at least for a few hours after the crash. Unfortunately, a few hours can make all the difference when it comes to diagnosing and treating a head injury, which is why it’s so important for motorcycle accident victims and their families to remain vigilant for certain symptoms after a crash.
Symptoms of Brain Injuries
Whenever the head suffers a blunt force impact, there is chance that the brain’s functioning could be disrupted, resulting in certain symptoms, such as:
- Headaches;
- Dizziness and problems with balance;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Disorientation and memory loss;
- Difficulty sleeping;
- Sensitivity to light and noise;
- Dilated pupils;
- Blood or clear fluid draining from the ears or nose;
- Slurred speech; and
- Convulsions.
Many of these symptoms manifest immediately and are obvious to those nearby, even if the victim is unaware or unconscious. Others, however, like a brain bleed, can take a few hours to show up, which is why motorcycle victims should always seek medical care after a crash.
Financial Recovery for Head Injuries
Diagnosing a head injury requires a physical examination, a series of scans, like MRIs, CTs, and X-rays, as well as laboratory tests. Once diagnosed, a victim will still need treatment, most of which is expensive. Multiple surgeries may be required, as could overnight hospital stays, constant observation, medications, and ongoing therapies. These costs can quickly add up, overwhelming an accident victim who may, even after obtaining treatment, suffer from permanent disability for the rest of his or her life. In these cases, injured parties who were not at fault for their accidents can and should seek compensation for their medical bills, ongoing care, permanent disability, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At Levinson Law, P.C., our experienced legal team can walk you through this process, while you focus on your physical and mental recovery.
Set Up a Consultation Today
Motorcycle accidents can take a significant physical, emotional, and financial toll on victims and their families. The dedicated and compassionate Tulsa motorcycle accident lawyers at Levinson Law, P.C. are here to help you through this difficult time. Call us at 918-492-4433 to get started on your case.