When Speeding Causes Motorcycle Accidents

Speeding has become an increasingly serious problem on our nation’s roadways. For instance, more than 12,000 people lost their lives in speeding-related car accidents in 2021 alone. This means that speeding is responsible for almost 30 percent of deadly crashes in the U.S. Unfortunately, the number is even higher for motorcyclists, with more than one-third of all deadly motorcycle accidents involving a motorist who was traveling at excessive speeds.
Speeding is Dangerous for All Motorists
High speeds are more dangerous for a number of reasons. The faster a driver goes, for example, the less time he or she has to react and potentially avoid a crash. High speeds also require longer distances before a vehicle can slow down or come to a complete stop. Finally, even modest increases in speeds can significantly increase the chances that a collision will have fatal results, as higher speeds are accompanied by more crash intensity.
Speeding Poses Even More Risks for Motorcyclists
An estimated 34 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents can be attributed to speeding. This accounts for more than a third of motorcycle crash fatalities. The same things that make speeding dangerous for other drivers also make it perilous for motorcyclists, such as increased stopping distance, decreased control, and more severe impact in the event of collision. These dangers, however, are heightened even further for motorcycle riders who simply lack the same protections as other drivers. Motorcyclists do not, for instance, get the benefits of airbags and seat belts. They are also much more vulnerable to impact and in most cases, are actually forced to suffer two impacts, the first occurring when a vehicle collides with the motorcycle and the second, when the rider is thrown into the street as a result.
Deadly Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcyclists who are injured in collisions resulting from speeding are much more likely to sustain serious injuries, including:
- Crushed extremities;
- Road rash;
- Internal bleeding caused by blunt force trauma to the chest and torso;
- Traumatic brain injuries;
- Facial trauma, including broken bones; and
- Injuries to the spine, resulting in potential paralysis.
Many of these injuries, when severe enough, can result in permanent disability, so an accident victim who obtained treatment may still suffer from chronic pain, disfigurement, and reduced mobility for the rest of his or her life. Tragically, many of these injuries also prove to be fatal, in which case, the victim’s family members could attempt to hold the at-fault party accountable by filing a wrongful death lawsuit in court.
Reach Out to Our Experienced Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Today
If you or a loved one were injured by a speeding driver, feel free to call the dedicated and compassionate Tulsa motorcycle accident attorneys at Levinson Law, P.C. for an assessment of your legal options. We know how devastating motorcycle accidents can be and will put all of our resources and experience to work in helping you seek compensation for your losses. Call us at 918-492-4433 or send us an online message to get started today.