Why Riding at Night is Especially Dangerous for Motorcyclists

Riding a motorcycle always comes with a lot more risks than driving in a vehicle, as riders are far less protected in the event of a collision, are generally less visible to other road users, and are more vulnerable to road hazards. Riding motorcycles at certain times, however, is even more dangerous, with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimating that more than 40 percent of two-vehicle motorcycle crashes occur when it’s dark outside.
Poor Visibility
Because they are so much smaller than standard passenger sized vehicles, motorcycles are difficult to see even during the day. These problems are heightened at night, when riders are more at risk of not being seen. An inattentive driver could easily fail to see a rider until it is too late to avoid a collision. The dangers of low visibility are even more pronounced when the weather conditions are poor, when it’s harder for riders to see dangerous road hazards, like potholes, patches of ice, drifts of leaves, or to take note of undulating terrain or unexpected curves in the road. These issues all make it more likely that a rider will be involved in a single-vehicle collision or a crash with another vehicle.
Driving Under the Influence
Safety experts have found a correlation between the number of motorcycle accidents that occur at night and incidences of drunk driving. In fact, motorcycle accidents are three times more likely to involve an intoxicated driver when they occur at night. That’s why it’s so important for riders and motorists alike who are traveling at night to remain vigilant for signs of drunk driving, such as weaving in and out of lanes, driving too slowly, or swerving. Intoxicated drivers have impaired vision, slower reaction times, and poorer judgment and so are much more likely to engage in reckless driving practices, like speeding and tailgating.
Distracted and Fatigued Driving
Driving while distracted is always dangerous to other road users. Unfortunately, both distraction and fatigue often increase when it’s dark and visibility is already reduced, making the chances that a motorcyclist will be involved in an accident even higher. Drowsy driving and driving while distracted can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence, with fatigued and distracted drivers experiencing slowed reaction times and impaired judgment. Not only does this mean that they are more likely to cause an accident, but that any resulting accidents they do cause will be more serious. These kinds of crashes often occur at high speeds, with little or no attempt by the at fault driver to slow or attempt to avoid the collision.
Reach Out to a Dedicated Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Attorney
For help seeking compensation after a nighttime motorcycle accident, please call Levinson Law, P.C. at 918-492-4433 and set up a meeting with one of our experienced and compassionate Tulsa motorcycle accident attorneys today. We can even travel to meet you if you are unable to make it to our office because of your injuries.