The Dangers Of SUV Rollover Accidents

Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are among the most popular types of vehicles currently on the market. In fact, in 2019, the New York Times reported that SUVs made up nearly 48 percent of vehicle sales in the U.S. This trend shows few signs of slowing down, with motorists still drawn to these heavy-duty vehicles that seem to offer high performance as well as security. Unfortunately, the size of SUVs can be misleading when it comes to safety, as these kinds of vehicles have a much higher risk of being involved in rollover accidents.
Rollover accidents are notorious for causing particularly serious injuries, so if you were involved in an SUV rollover accident in Oklahoma, you should consider reaching out to an experienced
Tulsa auto accident lawyer who can help you seek compensation for your medical bills.
Why SUVs are More Prone to Rollovers
While it is true that any vehicle can roll over, certain vehicles, including SUVs, trucks, and vans are more susceptible to being involved in this kind of accident. This is due to the fact that they tend to be narrower and taller than other types of vehicles, making them more top-heavy. These factors, along with the vehicles’ higher center of gravity, reduces balance and stability, so any sideways pressure placed on an SUV while navigating a turn can shift that center of gravity, increasing the risk of a rollover. A collision, however, is not always necessary to instigate a rollover accident. In fact, the major risk for this kind of accident occurs when a vehicle encounters an object, like a pothole or curb, that then catalyzes the loss of balance.
Types of SUV Rollover Accidents
Most SUV rollover accidents are the result of tripping, which occurs when a vehicle strikes an object in the road, or leaves the road entirely. There are actually a few different types of tripped rollover accidents, including:
- Soft soil rollovers, which occur when a driver is forced off the road and into soft soil, causing the tires to dig into the ground and the vehicle to roll;
- Ramp/guardrail rollovers, which occur when a driver is forced to veer into the guardrail, resulting in a rollover;
- Steep slope rollovers, which occur most often in off-road environments when a driver misjudges a turn while on a slope; and
- Sideways skid rollovers, which occur when the rear tires of the vehicle lose traction, causing the vehicle to fishtail, strike a roadside barrier or curb, and eventually roll over.
If you or a loved one were involved in an SUV rollover accident, you could be entitled to compensation. Please reach out to our legal team to learn more.
Experienced Tulsa Auto Accident Lawyers
Rollover accidents can be traumatic, as they often result in not only significant property damage, but also devastating injuries. To discuss your own legal options following an SUV rollover accident, please call 918-492-4433 and speak with one of the dedicated Tulsa car accident attorneys at Levinson Law, P.C. today.